There is a lot to love about exocad, the elegant dental CAD software that vies for market leadship with rival 3Shape in pretty well every market in the world. Unlike its main competitor, however, exocad only makes one thing - CAD software. As a result, they do it pretty well. exocad is functional, to the point and ultra stable and the envy of everyone in the world of dental CAD. On show at the exocad stand at this year's IDS in Cologne, Germany was a combination of what is currently available, what's new and what will be available in the not too distant future.
Rent now and save $$$
One of the major announcements at IDS that will please everyone is that there is now a new pricing structure. exocad can now be bought outright, as in the past, or rented for a more palatable annual fee. The rental option offers the customer all upgrades for the entire rental agreement. Most people want an upgrade to the software every 12 months anyway, so under this new plan, there are huge savings to be had - in the vicinity of around 60% over 3 years. So this major shift in the pricing structure means that everyone can now afford the gold standard in CAD software for very little outlay and no long term locked in contracts.
Latest features
Some of the new features of the latest release of exocad include:
- Full 64-bit programming for all the new features; the 32-bit version is atill available but has limited functionality so in reality is being phased out;
- Virtual gingiva design workflow enabling gingiva design to virtual wax-up design from single unit to full arch;
- Semi automatic tooth placement with one click for teeth and automatic design suggestions;
- Interactive Chain Mode now allows flexible full arch placement and edit of setups with just a few clicks;
- Copy and paste tooth feature for copying individually scanned teeth as a prep or even virtual tooth library models;
- New advanced crown bottom design allowing brushable cement gap and new tool compensation for bullnose milling tools;
- Brushable contact areas and antagonists now available in free forming functions;
- Support for new cutback libraries and new precision shrinking control to avoid situations such as over shrinking of pontics. Shrinking of new gingiva regions is now supported as well;
- New connector-less bridges - direct connection of teeth is available where they intersect and no extra connects needed; and
- Add anatomical shapes directly to bars and new articulators including Denar and Bio Art.
This list is a mere sample of the over 150 new features and improvements of the latest release of exocad. It is a very exciting major release and now exocad has made available videos demonstrating the main new features.
New releases and coming soon
Exoplan is amazing implant planning software that is fully integrated with exocad, making a full implant placement and restorative solution now available. Using exoplan, you can import a CBCT scan and a model scan and design the implant placement directly in relation to the (prosthodontically driven) restoration.
With the new full denture module, exocad provides a digital solution for designing full dentures. Model analysis can be performed digitally and the results can be used for an automatic tooth setup suggestion. The prosthetic can be milled or printed, or produced using a combination of these methods.
New CAM solution
Exocam, a fully integrated CAM solution for Roland and imes-icore milling units as well as customisable solutions for other situations is now available.
Import jaw measurement from devices
The Jaw Motion Import module allows you to import jaw movement registration data from external devices such as the JMA system from Zebris. The module works in combination with the Virtual Articulator module.
exocad ortho
The new orthodontic module generates custom orthodontic bases, creates virtual setups and more.
exocad partial framework
You can now design RPD frameworks with outstanding design flexibility.The partial framework design solution gives great flexibility to any RPD design including CoCRr PEEK and ACEBASE.
exocad smile design
With the smile design module, you can combine patient photos, outlines and 3D designs. Smile design from exocad provides an easy solution for aesthetic planning that leads to more predictable results.
There is more to exocad than meets the eye and the plethora of companies using exocad as their base CAD engine is now on the rise. Companies such as Noble Biocare, Amann Girrbach, Zirconzahn, KaVo and Schutz Dental just to name a few, rely 100% on exocad.
Friday, 7 February, 2025