Amann Girrbach is introducing "Ceramill TI Forms", titanium blanks with prefabricated connection geometry for in-house production of customised, one-piece titanium abutments for a wide range of implant systems using the Ceramill Motion 2 milling system.
Previously only possible via industrial processing centres and large milling systems, the Ceramill Motion 2 utilises "rotational milling"
technology to facilitate in-house manufacture.
In contrast to conventional milling in which the blank mainly remains in a static position, during so-called "multipass milling" in the wet mode the blank rotates continuously around its own axis. This not only reduces the travel paths of the cutter but also provides for uniformly homogeneous material removal and surfaces with both a precise and smooth finish. The user benefits from an increase in precision and savings in time. Only a special adapter, which is available from Amann Girrbach, is required to upgrade already installed Ceramill Motion 2 machines.
Friday, 7 February, 2025