Titanium and CoCr alloys are ideal for a broad range of applications in the manufacture of dental restorations. Thanks to continual advances in CAD/CAM technology from Zirkonzahn, these hard metals can now be milled cost-effectively in-house by any-sized lab.
Cobalt Chrome
The Zirkonzahn cobalt chrome material Chrom-Cobalt is at the same time hard and elastic. Therefore, it is particularly suited for the manufacture of delicate structures. Existing restorations can be appropriately enlarged thanks to the good solder-ability of the material. During the milling process, a surface quality, which reduces bacteria formation, is created. Zirkonzahn offers Chrom-Cobalt blocks in seven different heights (10-25 mm). These are especially suited for the manufacture of bars and metal frameworks, which can also be veneered with ceramic. For treatment of the material, Zirkonzahn offers the Milling Units M1 Wet Heavy and M5 (Milling Spindle Hard Automatic M5) as well as the CAD/CAM Milling Burs CrCo.
Titanium distinguishes itself through a particularly rare quality, namely its ability to osseointegrate.
In dentistry, it is used for the manufacture of primary and secondary structures for veneering with ceramics, as well as for bar implant constructions.
Zirkonzahn offers Titan 5 blanks (Hardness grade 5 ASTM) that are particularly suited to the manufacture of these secondary structures.
The blocks are available in seven different heights (10-25 mm) and can be wet processed with the Milling Units M1 Wet Heavy and M5 (Kit Wet Grinding/Wet Milling M5 and Milling Spindle Hard Automatic M5) as well as the CAD/CAM Burs Titan.
Tuesday, 10 September, 2024