eLABORATE readers can now read articles from current and past editions online using their username and password at www.dentalcommunity.com.au.
"Our online archive is open to all eLABORATE readers who we hope will find it to be a very useful resource," said Joseph Allbeury, the magazine's editor and publisher. "We have tried to make our archive useful, user friendly and very comprehensive. If you're reading an article that is part of a series of articles, then there will be a link on the same page to all the other articles in the series for example. We have also tagged each article with a topic or topics, so you can quickly search for articles on the same subject. Also, there is a link to search for articles by the same author." Readers can browse the archive magazine by magazine, edition by edition or search by word. The new Article Archive is now available through the Dental Community website located at www.dentalcommunity.com.au.
A unique Username and Password is required to access the section of the website containing the archive - there is no charge for this for registered dental practitioners. For more info, call (02) 9929-1900 or email info@dentist.com.au.
Saturday, 12 October, 2024