After enjoying all of the benefits attributed to Sirona's digital workflow since we initially acquired the inEos X5 scanner and MCXL milling unit a few years ago now, it was a natural progression to then look towards 5-axis milling.
The newly launched Sirona MC X5 milling unit was a natural progression for us and immediately opened doors when it was incorporated into production. And what has surprised me is that those doors keep opening when you least expect them to.
Whereas our existing inLab MC XL milling unit only mills "wet", the new MC X5 offers both wet and dry milling, providing for finer milling and hence an improved "fit" with materials like zirconia. What remains exciting is that the discs and blocks that it mills are standardised and open to a plethora of differing manufacturers, all trying to get the better of one another with one technological advancement after another. This is a powerful affordance to any laboratory, big or small; and we are small.
A smaller laboratory requires openness in that initial purchase and cannot afford to be locked-down to the ebbs and flows of a singular multinational. This is why I love the non-modularised inLab 15 software. Together with a tidal wave of exciting new improvements such as a superb non-engaging implant bridge workflow, gingival matrix design capacity and a more intuitive tooth design proposal ability, it also gave us... openness!
If you are wondering why I should care, then consider simply the fact that I am now able to import open STL files from compatible intraoral scanners as well as Sirona's own CEREC and Apollo. I'm also able to export my designs as an STL file should I wish to send them to a 3D printer or another milling machine. With the parallel openness of the inLab CAM 15 milling software, you can also import designs from other open design software packages on the market and mill them with your shiny new MC X5 and so on and so forth. Like Johnny Cash said "I'm free from the chain gang now"!
Oh and did I mention that Sirona continually provides updates for their CAD software free of charge within major releases and don't sting you with an annual licence fee, yet still manage to provide initial training as well as ongoing accountability and support without so doing? Happy days!
About the author
Chris Hussey is a dental ceramist, key opinion leader for Sirona Dental Systems and principal of Ceramic Studio in Leopold, Victoria.
Tuesday, 10 September, 2024